FREE Responsible Research webinar series



Since June 2020, Responsible Research in Practice has been providing FREE monthly LIVE webinars on responsible research topics.

The Responsible Research Webinar Series seeks to provide FREE access to all members of the life science research community who wish to keep their skills and knowledge of best practice up to date.

Our expert speakers give their time to inspire and empower individuals to implement change. This is facilitated through the sharing of experience, practical knowledge and insights, plus the promotion of freely available tools and resources.

The Responsible Research Webinar series builds upon themes and ideas found within our 6 step checklist for responsible research (click the link to download a copy). This checklist is applicable to all life science research disciplines and gives an overview of what it takes to deliver responsible, rigorous and reproducible research in practice.


Our research training and consultancy services expand upon the checklist further with the goal of improving the rigour and reproducibility to life science research, now and in the future.


To make our FREE Responsible Research Webinar Series as accessible and inclusive as possible individuals can choose to attend:

a LIVE webinar each month;


our Webinars On-Demand.

Both options (like our on-demand training) provide attendees with the same presented content, access to handouts and a certificate of attendance (£5 charge).

NOTE - All LIVE and On-Demand webinars in this responsible research series are FREE, but registration is required.


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