Training to enhance the rigour and reproducibility of in vivo and in vitro research using animal models or material.


Our responsible animal research training is designed to support individuals working within a laboratory setting to fully implement the 3Rs principles of humane scientific technique.

Whether you are involved in the planning, design, conduct, review, analysis or dissemination of research involving the use of laboratory animal species (including aquatic species) or animal derived material, this course is for you.

The course is designed to be accessible to individuals at any stage of their research career and to complement regulatory training requirements (not a pre-requisite for attending this course).


Want to know more?

We believe that responsible animal research does not just happen. It requires:

  1.  an awareness and understanding of contemporary best practice standards in all aspects of research practice (including ethics, integrity, experimental design, methodology, statistical analysis and research dissemination).
  2. the ability to recognise what 'best practice' means for a given research project at a given moment of time (note - this will change throughout an individuals research career).
  3. the confidence and competence to implement best practice when it matters i.e when planning, designing, conducting, analysing and disseminating their research.

NOTE -  All attendees completing the course receive a certificate of attendance to use for CPD purposes. Attendees of the LIVE courses will also be awarded 10 LASA CPD points. Attendees of the ON-DEMAND course will be awarded 6 LASA CPD points.


Having completed our Responsible Animal Research or Responsible Aquatic Animal Research course individuals will be able to:

  • communicate their research in an open and transparent manner, with an informed understanding of the range of societal opinions that exist on this issue.
  • recognise what implementation of the 3Rs and best practice means in the context of individual research projects, and why it is important for the rigour and reproducibility of research.
  • take ownership of your research conduct and the contribution you make to your local research culture.
  • demonstrate awareness of what research integrity means in the context of animal research.
  • confidently design and plan research involving the use of lab animal species using a range of tools and resources that have been developed to support researchers to improve research practices.
  • understand the importance of good animal welfare, consider what factors can impact on the lifetime experience of laboratory animal species, and reflect on how to enhance efforts to implement the 3Rs.

For a more detailed description download a copy of the Online Responsible Animal Research Training Course Overview.

***NEW for 2024 - Responsible Aquatic Animal Research Course*** We are delighted to announce that we are now offering an aquatic animal species tailored version of our long running Responsible Animal Research course.


LIVE course timetable (available to run in-house)

Monday – Session 1: Introduction to animal use and the 3Rs
Tuesday – Session 2: Research Integrity in the contact of animal research
Wednesday – Session 3: Common experimental design pitfalls and how to avoid them
Thursday – Session 4: Animal welfare and the 3Rs in practice


  • this is the same for the Responsible Animal Research & Responsible Aquatic Animal Research Course.
  • this course can also be run over 2 full days (Day 1: Session 1 am, Session 2 pm; Day 2: Session 3 am, Session 4 pm)


On-demand training sessions

On-demand Course: Responsible Animal Research - Critical, Challenging & Creative Thinking


Session 1: Introduction to animal use and the 3Rs 
Session 2: Animal Research Integrity 
Session 3: Common experimental design pitfalls & how to avoid them 
Session 4: Animal welfare and refinement in practice


Registration fees: 

On-Demand Course: £300 or pay-as-you-go per on-demand session. This fee includes:

  • 1 training session or course - to highlight what good practice is relevant to you, improving your knowledge, awareness of the issue and sharing resources to support you to implement it;
  • Individual activities with 1:1 feedback - to reflect upon how to apply the learning outcomes and receive personal coaching from Dr Nikki Osborne;
  • Copies of training session content and handouts – all course material is accessible so you can refer back to it whenever you wish;
  • Invitation to join a private LinkedIn group – a community for information sharing, tools, resources and collaboration / discussion.
  • An optional 20 minute 1:1 meeting with Dr Nikki Osborne. Discuss individual project details or get answers to any remaining questions you may have.


LIVE course dates

LIVE online course:

27th February-2nd March 2023 - REGISTRATION CLOSED

5th-8th June 2023 - REGISTRATION CLOSED


4th-7th March 2024: Responsible Animal Research Course -REGISTRATION CLOSED

30th September-3rd October 2024: Responsible Aquatic Animal Research Course - REGISTER NOW


Why book our courses?

100% of online training participant's surveyed said they would recommend their course to others.

Our courses are available LIVE or ON-DEMAND so you can access them when you need them, wherever in the world you are.

All our courses & training session have homework activities so that we can provide every participant with 1:1 feedback & support.

Our expert tutors are passionate about helping individuals implement best practice and empowering culture change.


Subscribe Now

To be the first to receive discount offers plus information regarding future course dates and FREE webinar events via email.



Title Start Time Total Duration To Register
LIVE Responsible Animal Research Course (27th Feb-2nd March 2023) 10:00am GMT 10 hours Closed
LIVE Responsible Animal Research Course (5th-8th June 2023) 10:00am BST 10 hours Closed
LIVE Responsible Animal Research Course (2nd-5th October 2023) 13:00pm BST 10 hours Closed
LIVE Responsible Animal Research Course (4th-7th March 2024) 09:30am GMT 10 hours Closed
***NEW*** LIVE Responsible Aquatic Animal Research Course       (30th Sept-3rd Oct) 14:00pm GMT 10 hours Book Now



Title Start Time Total Duration To Register
Responsible Animal Research Course On-Demand On-demand 6 hours Start Now
Session 1: Introduction to animal use and the 3Rs On-demand 90 mins Start now
Session 2:  Animal Research Integrity On-demand 100 mins Start now
Session 3: Common experimental design pitfalls and how to avoid them On-demand 100 mins Start now
Session 4: Animal welfare and refinement in practice On-demand 100 mins Start now

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