On-demand training. Improving reproducibility series session 7.

What have you learnt & how can you improve?

On-demand training to improve reproducibility: Session 7 “What have you learnt & how can you improve” is 1 of 8 on-demand training sessions in our improving reproducibility series. Each on-demand […]

On-demand training: best practice in research dissemination. Improving reproducibility series session 8.

Current best practice in research dissemination

On-demand training to improve reproducibility: Session 8. “Current best practice in research dissemination” is 1 of 8 on-demand improving reproducibility series training sessions. Each on-demand training session can be taken […]

On-Demand Training on Common experimental design flaws & how to avoid them. Improving reproducibility series session 5.

Common experimental design flaws & how to avoid them

On-demand training to improve reproducibility: Session 5 “Avoiding common experimental design flaws” is 1 of 8 on-demand improving reproducibility series training sessions. Each on-demand training session can be taken individually […]

On-demand training: Identifying the best research model? Improving reproducibility series session 3.

How to identify the best research model?

On-demand training to improve reproducibility: Session 3 “Identifying the best research model?” is 1 of 8 on-demand improving reproducibility series training sessions. Each on-demand training session can be taken individually […]

On-Demand Training: Understanding your research framework. Improving Reproducibility on-demand training session 4.

Understanding your research framework

On-Demand Training Improving Reproducibility: Session 4 “Understanding your research framework” is 1 of 8 on-demand training sessions in our improving reproducibility series. Each session can be taken individually to refresh […]

On-demand Training: Animal Welfare & Refinement in Practice. This is session 4 from our Responsible Animal Research Course.

Animal Welfare & Refinement in Practice

On-Demand Training to support Responsible Animal Research: Session 4   “Animal Welfare & Refinement in Practice” is 1 of 4 on-demand training sessions in our Responsible Animal Research series. Each on-demand […]