On-demand training. Improving reproducibility series session 7.

What have you learnt & how can you improve?

On-demand training to improve reproducibility: Session 7

“What have you learnt & how can you improve” is 1 of 8 on-demand training sessions in our improving reproducibility series.

Each on-demand training session can be taken individually to refresh your knowledge & understanding of a specific aspect of best practice.


All 8 on-demand training sessions can be completed in turn to gain an Improving Reproducibility Course certificate.


During this on-demand training session we focus on:

record keeping & way to maximise the knowledge gains from every experiment,

sci data initiatives, repositories & data management plans,

cognitive biases,

what to think about after each experiment, plus

the concepts of the refinement loop & marginal gains.


Registration fee £50 per session. This session fee includes:

  • 1 on-demand training session – to maximize your research design, reproducibility and impact;
  • An individual activity with 1:1 feedback – to practice applying the learning outcomes and receive personal coaching from Dr Nikki Osborne;
  • Copies of all session content and handouts – all material is accessible to download & keep so you can refer back to it whenever you wish;
  • Invitation to join a private LinkedIn group – a community for information sharing, tools, resources and collaboration / discussion.


Are you ready to start on-demand training?

CLICK HERE to start: What have you learnt and how can you improve? 


Why give our professional on-demand training a try?

Certificates of attendance are provided for all individuals completing the on-demand training session to use for CPD purposes.

100% of online training participant’s surveyed said they would recommend this session to others.

Our ON-DEMAND courses & training sessions are self paced so you can complete them in your own time.

All our courses & training sessions have home work activities to complete so that we can provide 1:1 feedback & support.

Our expert tutors are passionate about helping individuals implement best practice and empowering culture change.


NOTE – Access requires online payment and a valid email address (used to send out certificates of attendance). Registration fees can be paid via invoice, but this must be arranged in advance. To request invoice payment email: admin@responsibleresearchinpractice.co.uk.


Responsible Research in Practice is a company passionate about providing meaningful training and support to the Life Science research sector.

To find out more about us or to read what our clients and training participants think of us visit our website.

Posted in Training.