Science in the community day
We are really excited to be able to share this press release about a British Science Association funded project for British Science Week that we have been working on with a local primary school.
On Tuesday (12th March) Rusper Primary School hosted a ‘Science in the Community Day’ to help pupils understand the relevance of the science they learn in school to a range of every day jobs carried out by parents and others within the local community.
During the day KS1 and KS2 pupils played a ‘Guess Who’ style game using voting handsets to match key scientific statements and fact cards with a range of jobs including: ambulance crew, bee keeper, chef, cleaner, firefighter, holistic practitioner, midwife, physiotherapist, police detective, teacher, vet and water treatment specialist. Pupils then had the opportunity to question parents and members of the village community about their work before guessing who does each job.
The day piloted a new science learning resource being created for staff and students at the school by Dr Nikki Osborne (a scientist and parent at the school). This project has been made possible thanks to a Kick Start funding grant from the British Science Association for British Science Week.
“The funding for this project is enabling us to develop a truly unique resource to enhance pupil engagement with their science learning and deepen their understanding of the range of jobs that require the application of scientific knowledge” Mr Nick Avey - Head, Rusper Primary School.
“The community support for this project has been amazing, from individuals telling us about their jobs, to Father Nick Flint of Rusper Church who has created some great illustrations for us. To date we have created resources for 14 jobs, but the plan is for the finished resource to include many more.” Dr Nikki Osborne, Responsible Research in Practice.
If you would like more information about the project, or to enquire about supporting and/or getting involved in this community science project please contact:
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